Thursday 3 January 2008

Im Back cont

Ok time for some more hands.

***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 293939010 *****
NL $0.25/$0.50 Texas Hold'em - Monday, December 31, 16:19:42 GMT 2007
Table Neon 09 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of active players : 6
Seat 1: amoni ( $18.88 )
Seat 2: fabio123 ( $50 )
Seat 3: karenace ( $34.25 )
Seat 4: Krokous ( $64.70 )
Seat 5: danger66 ( $52.42 )
Seat 6: Pokerbhoy67 ( $49.01 )
danger66 posts small blind [ $0.25 ]
Pokerbhoy67 posts big blind [ $0.50 ]
fabio123 posts big blind [ $0.50 ]

Dealt to Pokerbhoy67 [ ]
amoni folds
fabio123 checks
karenace folds
CALL Krokous, $0.50
CALL danger66, $0.25
Pokerbhoy67 raises to [ $2.50 ]
fabio123 folds
CALL Krokous, $2
danger66 folds

[ ]
BET Pokerbhoy67 , $4
Krokous raises to [ $18 ]
Pokerbhoy67 goes all-in
Pokerbhoy67 raises to [ $46.51 ]
CALL Krokous, $28.51
** Showdown **
Krokous shows [ ]
Pokerbhoy67 shows [ ]

[ ]

[ ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Krokous wins $96 .02 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 293939010 ends ************

Ok Krokous had been playing very aggressive and a bit eratic at times. I had a decent hand just wanted to rake in the blinds or isolate one person and continuation bet them out the pot on the flop- id been quite quiet and thot this was a good time to make a small move. Krook called which did not scared me in fact i was happy as i knew if i hit i could make some money from him.

I flop top pair and bet out which is then reraised- if this was any other played i would have folded- but i had seen him over bet his draws one too many times- and felt i had a good oppurtunity to take a large pot down so i pushed. he called isntantly and showed top pair with a fflush draw.

Looking back I think i shld hav got away from this hand despite his aggressive nature. I only had a jack kicker and even if i am infront at that point its pretty much 50/50 for him to catch his flush- my shove had no fold equity and i think i played this hand poorly.

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