Thursday 3 January 2008

more hands

Ok here is a hand where i didnt make a mistake- atleast i dont think so.

***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 293887430 *****
NL $0.25/$0.50 Texas Hold'em - Monday, December 31, 14:04:43 GMT 2007
Table Neon 05 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of active players : 5
Seat 1: MrAlDente ( $24 )
Seat 2: karenace ( $91.33 )
Seat 3: granfab ( $14.26 )
Seat 4: Tongue ( $0 )
Seat 5: Pokerbhoy67 ( $52.10 )
Seat 6: Mulijuxx ( $50.35 )
Pokerbhoy67 posts small blind [ $0.25 ]
Mulijuxx posts big blind [ $0.50 ]

Dealt to Pokerbhoy67 [ ]
MrAlDente folds
karenace folds
granfab folds
CALL Pokerbhoy67 , $0.25
Mulijuxx checks

[ ]
BET Pokerbhoy67 , $1
Mulijuxx raises to [ $2 ]
Pokerbhoy67 raises to [ $5 ]
CALL Mulijuxx, $3

[ ]
BET Pokerbhoy67 , $8
CALL Mulijuxx, $8

[ ]
Pokerbhoy67 checks
BET Mulijuxx, $11
CALL Pokerbhoy67 , $11
** Showdown **
Mulijuxx shows [ ] four of a kind Deuces
Pokerbhoy67 mucks [ ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Mulijuxx wins $46 .55 from main pot with four of a kind, Deuces
************ Game 293887430 ends ************

Wouldnt call this a bad beat- its just poker but if u think i shlda done something different please let me know.

Ok pokerhand has just started going really slow so ill post some more soon. That will do us for now.

Im Back cont

Ok time for some more hands.

***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 293939010 *****
NL $0.25/$0.50 Texas Hold'em - Monday, December 31, 16:19:42 GMT 2007
Table Neon 09 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of active players : 6
Seat 1: amoni ( $18.88 )
Seat 2: fabio123 ( $50 )
Seat 3: karenace ( $34.25 )
Seat 4: Krokous ( $64.70 )
Seat 5: danger66 ( $52.42 )
Seat 6: Pokerbhoy67 ( $49.01 )
danger66 posts small blind [ $0.25 ]
Pokerbhoy67 posts big blind [ $0.50 ]
fabio123 posts big blind [ $0.50 ]

Dealt to Pokerbhoy67 [ ]
amoni folds
fabio123 checks
karenace folds
CALL Krokous, $0.50
CALL danger66, $0.25
Pokerbhoy67 raises to [ $2.50 ]
fabio123 folds
CALL Krokous, $2
danger66 folds

[ ]
BET Pokerbhoy67 , $4
Krokous raises to [ $18 ]
Pokerbhoy67 goes all-in
Pokerbhoy67 raises to [ $46.51 ]
CALL Krokous, $28.51
** Showdown **
Krokous shows [ ]
Pokerbhoy67 shows [ ]

[ ]

[ ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Krokous wins $96 .02 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 293939010 ends ************

Ok Krokous had been playing very aggressive and a bit eratic at times. I had a decent hand just wanted to rake in the blinds or isolate one person and continuation bet them out the pot on the flop- id been quite quiet and thot this was a good time to make a small move. Krook called which did not scared me in fact i was happy as i knew if i hit i could make some money from him.

I flop top pair and bet out which is then reraised- if this was any other played i would have folded- but i had seen him over bet his draws one too many times- and felt i had a good oppurtunity to take a large pot down so i pushed. he called isntantly and showed top pair with a fflush draw.

Looking back I think i shld hav got away from this hand despite his aggressive nature. I only had a jack kicker and even if i am infront at that point its pretty much 50/50 for him to catch his flush- my shove had no fold equity and i think i played this hand poorly.

Im Back

Ok My last attempt to get back into poker was a nightmare as I lost my internet connection after a couple of days and didnt get back online for a while.

So here I am starting again- and this start has almost been as bad as my last- deposited $200 into betfair with the intention of building it up on the .25/.50 NL and working my way up.

Well I lost it all and i am gonna post the hands that led to my downfall, analyse my play and decide my next steps. I dont expect anyone to read this as I wouldnt rate myself a good player- but I am going to blog my developments for my own reference which I think is a good idea if I am serious about progressing.

Here are the major hands where i lost the most money I will try to give the best description of each and highlight my mistakes.

***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 293890201 *****
NL $0.25/$0.50 Texas Hold'em - Monday, December 31, 14:12:59 GMT 2007
Table Neon 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of active players : 5
Seat 1: mincer53 ( $89.20 )
Seat 3: Umbertinho ( $14 )
Seat 4: Jorma1234 ( $46.80 )
Seat 5: BigFlem ( $19.91 )
Seat 6: Pokerbhoy67 ( $74.53 )
mincer53 posts small blind [$0.25]
Umbertinho posts big blind [$0.50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Pokerbhoy67 [ Ac, Qc ]
Jorma1234 raises to [$1.75]
BigFlem folds
Pokerbhoy67 calls [$1.75]
mincer53 folds
Umbertinho folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, 9h, As ]
Jorma1234 checks
Pokerbhoy67 bets [$3]
Jorma1234 calls [$3]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ad ]
Jorma1234 checks
Pokerbhoy67 bets [$6]
Jorma1234 calls [$6]
** Dealing River ** [ 7h ]
Jorma1234 goes all-in
Jorma1234 bets [$36.05]
Pokerbhoy67 calls [$36.05]
** Showdown **
Jorma1234 shows [ 9d, 9s ] full house, Nines full of Aces
Pokerbhoy67 shows [ Ac, Qc ] three of a kind, Aces
** Hand Conclusion **
Jorma1234 wins $91.35 from main pot with full house, Nines full of Aces
************ Game 293890201 ends ************

Ok he checks and i bet 3 into 4 which he then calls so he could be on a straight draw I then hit another ace which doesnt actually change my hand all that much which is maybe a factor in my downfall on the river so i decide to value bet again and he sure enough calls. The last card is quite scary he could hav just made his draw. He goes all in which is 36 into 22. This suggests that he has hit his draw or that he is on a set from the flop and is trapping or he has AK which is also beating me- also a8 a9 and a7 which are all a possibility from the way the hand has been played. What am i beating? AJ,AT, A6 or lower- i am also beating KK QQ JJ TT etc but i dont think these r realistic hands to place him on as i have showed a lot of interest in this pot and he probably know i am going to call him on the river hence why he has gone all in- he could hav been trying to scare me away but the way he played this hand just smells trap! I think i should hav folded this hand on the river.

Friday 18 May 2007

First Post

Well My final exam was yesterday and I suppose that makes me a fully fledged lawyer- an uemployed one maybe- but a lawyer nonetheless. So with my exams out the way its time to head back to poker. Pete (Shads) has very kindly offered to fund me for a week on the condition I start blogging my sessions and split the profits with him. I am just testing this out to decide whether or not to play poker for a while or start looking for a job in the real world. So wish me luck!! Hope its all a success.